
Biolinguistics LB 110-112

Eric H. Lenneberg+
Some physiological correlates

Let us arbitrarily characterize the activation phase as a sudden peak and the execution phase as a gradual slope as in the functions shown in Fig. 3.18, Curve I (the exact shapes are immaterial for the argument); I(a) shows the time of speech production and (b), (c), and (d) show the artificially delayed arrival times of the speech sounds at the ear. In I(b) the feedback is delayed by about 40 msec and in I(d) by about I65 msec. During the activation phase, the most rapid readjustments in the geometrical spaces of the vocal tract can be made, roughly corresponding to the times in which consonants are produced and/or lips and tongue are set in preparation of vowels; the execution phase is then primarily taken up by the vowel sounds themselves. Thus, the acoustic signals of the activation phase are rapid transitions in the speech wave. When these signals are perceived aurally, they may be assumed to serve as cues for the initiation of the next cycle.


By introducing delays into feedback loop, the cues for the beginning of the next cycle are delayed by an equal amount of time, thereby prolonging the execution phase. The behavioral correlate of this is the drawing out of vowels; this is the most characteristic aspect of speech under delayed auditory feedback. As the delay is increased, the duration of the cycle also is increased accordingly until the delay becomes so long that the signal of the first activation phase arrives at the ears at the same time as the motor apparatus is ready to produce the signal of the second activation phase. At this point, the activation phase of production coincides with the auditorily perceived activation signal, and the signal may now serve as the customary cue resulting in a sudden decrease in speech interference.


FIG. 3.18. I. Hypothetical changes in the readiness for adjusting articulatiory organs. II. Speech interference waxes and wanes as a funtion of auditory delay time. (For explanation see text.)

Curve II of Fig. 3.18 shows the hypothetical waxing and waning of interference as a function of delay time. If speech worked with mechanical precision, we would perhaps be able to demonstrate a periodic rise and fall, as in an autocorrelation function. However, imprecisions in the mechanism, factors of attention and concentration, asymmetries in the syllabic structure of speech, and other factors seem to make it difficult to demonstrate more than a single peak in this function. Perhaps with better instrumentation the postulated periodicity may be brought out. Because of mainly statistical artifacts concomitant with pooling and averaging of data, the shape of the function II(a) will become less well-defined, resulting in a curve approximating that shown in II(b). Presumably, Fig. 3.17 represents the first peak of this curve.


(b) Signal-switching Between Right and Left Ear. Cherry and Taylor (1954) have reported an experiment in which subjects were required to repeat instantaneously the sentences that were transmitted to them through the ear phones. This task is often called “shadowing.” Subjects can changes or distortions. Cherry and Taylor were interested in seeing how fast a subject could direct his attention from the input to the right ear that of the left ear. In order to answer this question they switched the speech signal alternatively from one ear to other, so that at any onetime only one ear could listen. Their device made it possible to vary the switching rate. In plotting switching rate against articulation score (Fig. 3.19) they found, rather surprisingly, that there is a “critical” switching rate at which articulation scores are lowest. That rate is about three switching cycles per second (that is, when each ear is allowed to hear one-sixth of a second at a time). Huggins (1964) duplicated Cherry and Taylor in an effort toward discovering whether the lowering of the articulation score is due to a disturbance in the perceptual process or whether it is due to some mutilation of the speech signal; the result of his work favors the latter alternative, although some switching of attention does seem to be taking place. His subjects varied a great deal in the amount of disturbance they experienced from the switching, and there were few with articulation scores as dramatically lowered as in the subjects reported by Cherry and Taylor. This particular difference between Huggins’ results and those obtained by Cherry and Taylor may be due to a number of factors that were not controlled in either of these studies; these factors need not concern us here. Huggins did confirm, however, that there is a critical switching rate, and this rate was constant for all subjects and the same as the one reported by the first authors. When the switching becomes too fast, subjects tend to concentrate on the input of their dominant ear, and therefore the switching, at certain critical rates, may have the effect of essentially interrupting the signal periodically. Nevertheless, Huggins’ subjects obtained greater accuracy in their shadowing task when the signal was switched from ear to ear than when presented with nothing but the interrupted speech sound of one ear. These are merely technical details. Cherry and Taylor, as well as Huggins, were confronted with the magical one-sixth of a second as a basic time unit in speech production. The connection is further clarified by the next point.

FIG. 3.19. Articulation score for continuous speech, switched periodically at various frequencies from one ear to ther other in the subject. For each ear, the proportion of period occupied by speech is 50%, the remaninder being silence.
(From Cherry and Taylor, 1954.)

(c) Rate of Interruptions. Periodically interrupted speech is unintelligible if the interruptions occur with certain frequency. Intelligibility is lowest at a rate of 3±1.5 interruptions per second, that is, when listeners are allowed to hear about 165 msec of speech at a time (with a lower limit of 110 msec and an upper limit of 300 msec). If the interruption rate is outside these limits, intelligibility is much improved, as shown in Fig. 3.20. These curves differ from the results of somewhat similar experiments reported by Miller and Licklider (1950), but the discrepancy must be due to the difference in stimulus materials used.